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Mobile phone battery precautions

Author: Release time:2017-04-17 15:47:58

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Mobile phone battery search in the charging process should pay attention to the output voltage of the power supply must be within the scope of the provisions can not achieve the charging function. In the use of data lines to pay attention to the adapter must be matched, otherwise it will not be able to achieve the appropriate use. Mobile phone accessories must be placed in a dry environment. Rain, moisture and a variety of liquids or moisture can corrode electronic components and devices. In the purchase of mobile phone accessories, it is best to the factory authorized franchise stores (counters) to buy, so you can guarantee the purchase of authentic authentic accessories, so that the phone can be safe and normal use. Because of arbitrary choice, the phone may not reach the best state of use, and even seriously affect their normal use. Secondly, it may cause damage to the cell phone or battery and shorten the service life.

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